There is still time to register for our
December Lecture on 12-13-22: CLICK HERE
Tri-State HRMA and its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is pleased to announce the launch of a bi-monthly DEI Lecture Series, intending to give insight and increased understanding surrounding issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Ranging from topics on how to assess diversity in your workplace to in-depth conversations broadening the basis for thought and understanding.
The best part of this-the DEI Lecture Series are free-with the possibility of earning some SHRM or HRCI credits towards recertification!
You are cordially invited to save the date for the first four sessions now and are encouraged to invite others (no need to be a Tri-State HRMA member).
- October 11, 2022 – Inclusive Conversations: A proven way to talk with less criticism, listen with less judgment, and connect across differences
- December 13, 2022 – DEI Leadership Competencies: The missing link to Operationalizing Inclusion
“Inclusive Conversations”
Millions of conversations take place within organizations each day, however according to Judith Glaser author of Conversional Intelligence as many as 80% miss the mark. What’s more is often either sender or receiver or both are unaware a miscue has taken place. After working with nearly organizations, across 35 industries, countless employees wanted to know how to call out bias when you see it or what’s the best way to address when someone has offended you-even if they didn’t realize they did it? Airline attendants and customer service agents shared their irate customer stories many of which looking for better methods for easing the tension. The evidence was clear there’s a need for support in this area. With the aid of research from experts like Dr. Mahzarin Banaji’s and Dr. Anthony Greenwald’s Blindspot, Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow, Judith Glazer’s Conversational Intelligence, Harville and Helen Hendricks’ The Space Between and Safe Conversations, Louis Cozolino’s Neuroscience of Human Relationships, and Timothy Clarks Four Stages of Psychological Safety a conversational model emerged. We now better understand how we say something can be equally as impactful to what we say, including its impact on the neurotransmitters in our brain. Further, the words we use can instantly send a person into self-preservation (fight or flight) mode or elicit the feeling of safety (friend mode). It’s the amygdala’s job to quickly assess and assign “Friend” or “Foe” in our interactions with others (Susan Fisk, Yale), while Dr. Larry Sherman’s research informs how our brains fire differently when communicating with different races especially during the first meeting.
Insights from this research served as a foundational backdrop for a more neurochemically safe and effective way to talk, which we call having “Inclusive Conversations”. It’s a framework for “Talking with less Judgment, Listening with less Criticism, and Connecting through Difference” which is best used for curbing potentially high stress situations, and an important tool for contributing to psychological safety within teams, departments and organizations of all types.
Approved for 1.00 SHRM PDC’s
Approved for 1.00 General HRCI Credit
For our first four sessions, we have partnered with Culture Shift Consulting Group, offering over 40 years of DEI, HR, Organizational Development, and Change Management expertise. Our Presenter will be Armers Moncure, a Management Consultant, Keynote Speaker, and Strategist in the area of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with a focus on Cultural IQ, Unconscious Bias, and Inclusive Leadership. Armers has led company-wide DE&I Installations, training rollouts, and large-scale culture change initiatives both nationally and internationally. His current thought contributions include exploring the relationship between Employee Engagement, Psychological Safety, and DE&I, as well as positioning that DEI Leadership Competencies are the Missing Link to Operationalizing Inclusion.
Lecture Series Details
When: Tuesdays – 6/14/22, 8/9/22, 10/11/22, 12/13/22
Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm ET
Cost: $0
Location: Virtual via Zoom
All attendees will receive a Zoom link to the Lecture each morning prior at approximately 9:00am ET. The link will be sent from Constant Contact to the email that you used to register.