Become a speaker at the next Tri-State HRMA monthly meeting. Apply now!

Apply to Speak

Become a Speaker at the Next Monthly Meeting

The Programs Committee for the Tri-State Human Resource Management Association invites all professional speakers to submit proposals to present a 1-hour presentation (to include 5 to 10 minutes Q&A) at one of our monthly meetings that run from September through June.

Our objective is to define HR’s critical role in Developing Business Strategies. Topics that might address this theme are numerous and may include developing trends in technology, communication, employee retention and satisfaction, strategic planning, leadership and vision, change management, employment law and so on.

As appropriate, each proposal may be considered for other opportunities such as our annual conference in May, a stand-alone seminar, or other future events. We look forward to hearing from you!

Apply Now

Your Audience

In general, our monthly meetings include a diverse mix of HR professionals from generalists to senior professionals in HR, to consultants working for companies or owning their own businesses, and business-related vendors. We usually have one or two students from Rowan University visit us at each meeting. Our program attendance has been multiplying over the past year and we are currently at 100 or more attendees per meeting.

Our monthly meetings are on the first Thursday of each month. In the event of a holiday falling on a first Thursday, the meeting will be on the 2nd Thursday of that month. The length of each speaker session is one hour. Meetings are held at the Westin Mt. Laurel located at 555 Fellowship Rd. in Mount Laurel, NJ 08054.

  • Our dinner meetings are from 5:15 pm to 8:00 pm. The speaker presents from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
  • Our breakfast meetings are from 7:30 am to 10:00 am. The speaker presents from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.


  • For speakers who will be traveling over 50 miles to the conference, we are pleased to provide overnight hotel accommodations upon request. Please let your Programs Committee representative know if you will need hotel accommodations.
  • Regarding marketing of any services or materials that you or your company offers, we will gladly provide a table in the session room for you to display items that may interest our participants. We appreciate your cooperation in providing a non-solicitation environment for our attendees.
  • As our way of saying “Thank You” for speaking to us, Tri-State will make a donation to your charity of choice. Please give your Programs committee representative the name and mailing address of your charity.

Interested in Speaking at Tri-State HRMA? Apply Now!

Apply to Speak