Navigating Today’s Hiring Landscape

Presented By: John Baldino & Humareso


Are you looking for a new job? The Great Resignation is upon us. Or is it?

Find out how to navigate this ever-changing COVID-19, Labor-Shortage, Unemployment-Influenced landscape.

This talented panel will touch upon:

  • Remote Work/Hybrid/Flexible Work opportunities, options and fallacies
  • Job transitions – timing, expectations and worth
  • Video interviewing considerations

With almost 30 years of human resources experience, John’s passion of setting contributors and companies up for success is still going strong.  John is a keynote for US and International Conferences where he shares content and thoughts on leadership, collaboration and innovation, employee success, organizational design and development as well as inclusion and diversity.  He is the most recent winner of the Greater Philadelphia HR Consultant of the Year award. John is currently the President of Humareso, a global human resources consulting firm, and the proud dad of 3 amazing young adults.

Time: 5:30 – 6:30pm
Cost: $0
Location: Virtual via Zoom

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